The chaps and I are spending the next few days in
Lucca whilst Mrs OTW and the two princesses attend a wedding in a villa somewhere in the surrounding hills. I think that a few days wandering the streets of Lucca frequenting the many great coffee shops,bars and eateries that only Italy can offer will prove productive, as we face a long and no doubt wet winter and autumn working on drains ,roofing etc at the new house....well that's the excuse we are putting forward to anybody who thinks we are just off on a jolly!
oh, off on a jolly are we???????
Tuscan Tony lives nearby.
Better than a bloody hot summer anyway.
Have a good time!
you treat you workies exceptionally. after a windy wet day im thinking i got the wrong job.
Hope you enjoyed /are enjoying it! Regrettably we've been away and I've been failing to keep up with other blogs, or else you'd have received an invite to join is for lunch here, or over in Lucca. Maybe next time.
Oooh, Lucky you in Lucca Thud...hope you have a lovely time and the 'girls' enjoy the Wedding.
P.S. Part two of my Beatles tale is up on my blog.xD
I still am in shock at you buying Knobs on E-Bay, dear god whats the world coming to?
Bon voyage ,etc
Disgusted of Warrington
When you get back from your jaunt have a look at wanted Wikiwirral somebody is looking for a scrappy for lots of old house stuff,grates,doorknobs etc,if your a member you can pm him,one never knows.
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