8 years ago today America,the west and our way of life came under attack,that attack still continues and we should remember those who fell and continue that fight. Being murdered by stone age religious fanatics using our technology against us whilst innocently going about ones daily life does not make one a hero but the lives lost deserve to be remembered....I have not for one moment forgotten them nor should you.
I will never forget. I think of it every day at least once, I'm sure. It was a real wake-up call in my life, to be honest. My big worry is that 9/11 is nothing, nothing at all compared to some appeased government slipping a nuke into the country and detonating it. We need to be ever vigilant, but obviously we aren't, and won't be. I once heard someone characterize humans as the only animal who is dumb enough to risk their life for the sake of appearances. The example given was a woman, working alone in a building and heading to the parking garrage to go home. The elevator opens, a very big man she's never seen is inside. She mentally hesitates, then chides herself for being "paranoid" and then gets in the elevator. There is no reason she had to risk anything other than her appearance as being "paranoid", but she did it. So too humanity in the face of real threats - they want to seem open-minded, good, kind, understanding. Oh well, sorry for the encyclopedia...
Candle..good points
Actually they opened the war against Western Civilisation on 26 February 1993 with the fist attempt to blow up the WTC.
And tonight a thousand Muslim youths attack the Police in Harrow!
Something tells me that the Nulab government wants civil disorder in order to postpone the election and introduce dictatorship by Mandelson through Common Purpose apparatchiks.
i kind of are the trusting kind, but when it comes to our very definitive borders i am more cautious, but i would see what the big guy in the elevator had on his mind before i gave him a chop to the groin, the same with big o, does he really intend to spend all my money??????i saw bush spend 10 billion a day in iraq or was that a month...my vision is not very clear on it any more, a fellow told me the cafeteria service put out food for the gi's and then threw away 90^% of the salad, veggies, milk, etc because the guys all ate hamburgers and not shit on a shingle....
Opus will have some of my pics from the tea party in DC soon, I sent her the link. Here's the link for you too:
candle...great stuff,we had no coverage of the event here whatsoever.
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