Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Soot and dust

This week has been has so far been a rather dirty and messy one for the chaps and I, as taking down ceilings has been the order of the day,resulting in the depositing of accumulated soot and dust upon the labouring scousers below.. A couple of ceilings in the new house have been so damaged as to be unsaveable and so their taking down enabled us to get at the roof in a more efficient manner. The roof is in fact in reasonable condition, but the section shown will benefit from some strengthening of the purlins and then a general retorching, it should be then be good I hope for another 100 years....unlike my rather soot covered self.


monkey said...

its not fair i wanted to get covered in crap and soot. you guys have all the fun while i try to edumacate the youth of today.

Candle said...

If you wouldn't mind, who are "the chaps" that you speak of? What is this line of work that you're involved with, why are you in England, are you being paid or is it all donations or some sort of trust (etc.)? Like hey man, what's yer deal? :)

James Higham said...

How many Scousers, by the way?

Thud said...

James....roofers,plasterer,joiner,electrician and labourers,a rather talented and efficient bunch.

Thud said...

Candle...I'm in England because I'm English!...I just live in California part of the year.I own a company that restores old houses(pre 1850)The present project is a large house for my family that has several other houses/barns with it for me to restore as rental properties.The chaps are guys I grew up with who now work with me.

Candle said...

Thud, I did not know you were English. I took english almost every year of high-school, but I'm a little rusty. HOW - ARE - YOU ? I - AM - FINE - TOO . WHAT - TIME - IS - IT ? PERRO - EL - BIBLIOTECA - MUY - BIEN ?

Kidding aside, I think you got a great thing going on.

Thud said...

Candle...given the accent of my part of England you may not recognise my language as Englis,plent don' for the Spanish I will endeavour to be the last English speaker in California.

Candle said...

"last english speaker in Cali" - priceless.

I'm pretty good at understanding folks speaking English - it just takes a little while figuring out the rules for the accent, if'n yer foller m'.

Putz: I notice Putz has been doing some sort of recon on me, has called out all the cars, allocated funding, you name it. I have no idea why :) Putz, if you're reading this, who are you and what organization are you working for? I demand that you disclose under the Freedom of Information Act.

Vinogirl said...

Spiders by any chance? Glad I'm 6,000 miles away.

Thud said...

Spiders!.....I think I have every size known to's horrible.