The New York times is a paper that is dedicated to pushing a leftist social agenda and so in its reporting of world events tends to side with the 'opressed'...i.e. not us. A British paratrooper lost his life yesterday
storming a Taliban hideout in an successful effort to release a kidnapped NYT journalist...a journalist in pursuit of a story showing how we callously bomb innocent Afghani civilians...never Taliban..always civilians.The life of a British para is worth that of a hundred journalists and all their anti western trappings...God bless and rest our brave soldier.
I was thinking the very same thing.
Twice this hoon got kidnapped. Read The Circuit by Bob Shephard for an insight into how bodyguarding in hot spots should be done.
Another brave Soldier dies and for what?
Tony Blair swans around the World preaching about 'peace and harmony' when he, and he alone, sent many of our young Soldiers to certain death... The damned smug, self serving hypocrite.
Gordon Brown, and his sycophants are just as culpable for not arming the Forces adequately, in the first place.
Oh, how I long to see the back of this shameless Government!
On a lighter note Thud, I do hope you had a lovely time in Lucca.
We should drop journalists on the Taliban. Just kidding, the Taliban don't deserve that.
Did you know that Tony Blair and his family carry Irish passports? Just in case a commerical flight they're travelling on is targeted by terrorists who want to kill British passport holders first.
Why do they bother, they'd be forgiven for thinking.
Tomorrow, I am flying off to attend a memorial weekend for many gallant paras and highlanders who met a violent end in another conflict thirty years ago.
I will remember this latest brave para as well.
Idle...raise a glass for me...we owe them and you I presume, so much....I'll stand you a drink or two sometime.
idle for me too, i saw brave highlanders once at there games and thought what a gallent bunch
Farrell has dual British-Irish citizenship yet not a squeak of thanks or acknowledgement of the Para's utimate act of selflessness from Biffo Cowen (the Oirish Teashop). And how kind of Farrell to let his interpreter leave first when the shooting started outside.
The life of a British paratrooper is worth that of a hundred journalists????? Did you ask him???
Anon..yes and he agreed..good hey?
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