Tuesday, 12 January 2010


Tonights required viewing on the BBC is 'muslim driving school', yet another attempt by the BBC to show what a happy multicultural lot we all are. So a programme about women so driven by self loathing and lack of spirit that they will live inside a black tent...to make their men happy and kow tow to a medieval mindset......I shall not be watching nor will many others I'd imagine.


L8 Teener said...

Paki Bastards..

Thud said...

L8...thats one way of putting it but a tad hard on the blood pressure and it helps those who hate our society to play the role of oppressed....remember it's islamism that is the enemy not a specific people.

idle said...

... to be followed by "Muslims DrivingMeMad School"...

monkey said...

pakie bastards!!??..... bloody hell L8, i saw this while flicking and decided to take my driving tips from the ice road truckers.

thats not a muzzer thats a ninja that.

James Higham said...

It's sick. Glad I don't have a tele.

NotClauswitz said...

Jeezus, at first I thought this was about Muslims in East-Muslimville, somewhere with a lot of dry sand - and it's not? Burnley to Bradford?
After the tent-chicks get their driver license they can fill the car with Semtex and Molotov cocktails and play like the boys?
Multiculturalism is pure evil.

Vinogirl said...

Taslima...she's 58 years old and is only now forced "to ask questions about the traditions she's held dear." The mentally handicapped should not be behind the wheel of a car!

The Fat Builder said...

You don't know what she's wearing underneath