Friday 6 January 2012

Sky high

My boy has his first birthday later this year and to make it a more family occasion we booked a flight today for his aunt Vinogirl using our rapidly accumulating air miles. When using air miles one still has to pay taxes etc which when totaled up adds to a fair amount. To get the most from the air miles we booked first class seats so Vinogirl can use her larger luggage allowance to fill her cases with her excellent Napa valley cab franc and other such vinous goodies. Just out of interest I later checked how much the flight would have been if I would have paid full price.....£9000....yes, that's nine thousand bloody quid!!!!!! who in the hell has that much money for a flight? for that much money I'd walk or swim to California.


Vinogirl said...

Like last year, I am grateful to be flying home in First Class thanks to you and sister-in-law OTW. What a difference it makes!
The mind really does boggle as to whom does indeed have that much disposable income...I truly feel like a small potato!
Thanks again :)

James Higham said...

Always the issue is it not? Whether to save on the flight or at the other end.

Electro-Kevin said...

Who can afford it ? Drug dealers or politicians on expenses.

Have a good visit, Vinogirl.

Putz said...

we are going to fly to see my granduaghter run into the ocean in in wedding dress on may 6, 2012 and i am dreading the COSTS the baggage is more expensive than buying the clothes when we arrive in oceanside south carloina<>near 200 dollars{not quid} each bagi just want to stick my head under a pillow

Putz said...

p.s, how is your sister in utah?????

Putz said...

how is your wine in california???

Thud said...

Putz...everything fine here, good to hear from you.