Sunday, 8 April 2012

Happy Easter

Easter is a time for renewal and the celebration of our Lords sacrifice.It also means around the OTW household, CHOCOLATE! not fancy posh chocolate just plain old Cadbury chocolate and after my Lenten fast I plan to indulge till I explode....I might even let the kids get a look in.


Vinogirl said...

Mmmmm, Rolos. Mmmm, Milky Ways. Mmmm, Creme Eggs. Mmmm, Aeros. Mmmm, Maltesers. Mmmm, Smarties. Mmmm, Mini Eggs. Mmm, Chocolate Buttons. And, mmmm, a Galaxy egg thrown in for good measure. Yum!

Philipa said...

Happy Easter, Thuds. I gave up alcohol for lent and have yet to indulge..
But Cadburys choc was enjoyed by all :-D

Electro-Kevin said...


house cleaning salt lake said...

Easter is a time for repent. Let's enjoy it.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

I hope you feel better after all that Thud...

NotClauswitz said...

Major haul! My body doesn't do sugar like that anymore, except rum.

idle said...

A client of mine owns Charbonnel et Walker. I went to see him the other day and he insisted I take away a box of Marc de Champagne pink truffles for the girls (pretty good, if feminine) and - wait for it - a box of the King's Ginger Liqueur truffles for myself. This is as a good a marriage of booze (from the estimable Berry Bros & Rudd) and chocolate (CetW's dark and bitter) as has ever been attempted. A triumph.

They didn't last two nights, let alone make it to Easter.