Wednesday 27 February 2013

Say cheese

Recently I had the dubious pleasure of seeing just what offshoring has done for a once thriving British industry. I had need of a forstner bit for some work on my new gates  and not having one of suitable gauge ended up having to scour every establishment that supplies tools within several miles of my home. The result was a growing collection of bits with cutting edges that had the resilience and penetrating power of cottage cheese. Britain once made the finest machine tools in the world (I own plenty of vintage tools) but now price decides everything. The solution was to go on that there T'internet and order a reassuringly expensive bit from Germany that arrived quickly and has been cutting merrily away gets what you pays for!


NotClauswitz said...

As long at the Squareheads aren't getting 'em cheap from elsewhere!

Vinogirl said...

Cool, now that you have a Forstner bit you can make your own barrel-stave candelabra :)

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Have to admit to looking that one up, Thud!

I assume it is pretty accurate then?

(Was a centre bit not up to the job as well?)

Thud said...

Scrobs, Forstner bits are really good for relief work.

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