Wednesday 27 August 2008

Ruled Britannia

As my summer sojourn winds down I have reluctantly been paying more attention to the news back home in England......and what a difference a summer makes. The increasingly desperate nulabour govt flails around like a diseased animal, biting and destroying everything in reach.This article shows how pointless the govt has become.....passing endless authoritarian laws that increasingly degrade the liberties of once free Brits. Like the film 'Downfall' Brownie and his third rate hangers on seem determined to punish the British population for their lack of faith and also to leave behind a social and economic scorched earth to hamper the incoming conservative govt. The return from a sun drenched California to a damp downtrodden Britain will be harder than ever but Britain needs every person it can get who will hasten the fall of Brownie and his dysfunctional traitors.....I'll do my bit.


Lord Roby said...

During my recent quest for justice and a job, the existance of a National Staff Dismissal Register has come to the attention of Lord Roby.Makes you wonder what else is on the agenda.If there were to be a National Debtors Register we would all be up the creek.Well you wouldn't want to give someone in debt a job would you...they might just pay it off!! The whole of Two Dogs would be damned.Come to think of it...they already are!

Anonymous said...

watch Gordon Brown's Downfall on the link. Hilarious,I wet mesel

Putz said...

when bush makes his outs, i think browneees star will fall

The Machiavellian said...

The thing is, it doesn't look like the Conservatives have that great of least to this uniformed American : )

It seems like the US and Britain have some political parallels. The left is simply horrible, but the right lacks the leadership and charisma to take advantage of it.