Saturday 7 November 2009

What to do.

As America comes to term with another case of sudden jihad syndrome muslims in Britain further illustrate just how serious a problem we all have with such a reservoir of potential violence in our midst. A religion that demonizes all 'non believers' as being of lesser worth is not a religion it is a more a political/social movement devoted to the superiority of one group over all where have we heard and experienced that before? I am a rather low key Catholic who struggles daily to live a life that I believe best fulfills what I consider to be my duties to those around me. I would abandon any religion that required me to treat any other individual as anything less than one created equal in the eyes of God. A religion that instills a feeling of superiority in the believer and creates an adversarial atmosphere is a religion that needs abolishing at best or a reformation at least.Perhaps then we will no longer have situations in which people die hearing the cry of the fanatic...Allah Akbar indeed.


James Higham said...

is not a religion it is a more a political/social movement devoted to the superiority of one group over all others

We say it over and over and get called racist for it.

Vinogirl said...

The religion of peace strikes again!

L8 Teener said...

Maybe a few of them Bombers will come back and reform it for us yeh.

Candle said...

I'd abandon any religion whose prophet was a rapist, a pedophile, and a murderer of innocents. Or any religion that stones a woman for being raped. Religion of peace my ass...