Friday, 30 April 2010

Nice bum shame about the politics.

Did you know that the Latino singer Shakira has a political and philanthropic advisor? you do now. Shakira and aforementioned advisor(famous for shaking her bum...Shakira that is) have been visiting Arizona and voicing their concern over the recent passing of State law on actively dealing with illegal aliens, a law I might add that Britain could so dearly use.The perturbed pop star is just one of many pained liberals who seem incensed that the good people of Arizona have decided to actually enforce the law and punish dare they? have they not realised that under the new Obama regime such trifles as the sovereignty of American borders and pride in ones nation are now Passe...bloody rednecks.


Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

We have to put up woth these little prats, so why shouldn't everyone else!

Even the leftie Beeb spent about three minutes of air time talking to students, listening to how they would vote labour an' that you know, to help the planet an' like, get uvvers to live 'ere an' make it all a better place, you know, an' cool man, an' you know, cool..

And that was on prime time 5.00pm listening! I learnt a lot then...

Electro-Kevin said...

That is a cracking bum.

Shame about the buttocks ... I mean botox.

Anonymous said...

The face reminds me of Bette Midler and the bottom half reminds me of a black pudding, the type you can buy at Bury market,I prefer the sliced black pudding myself,I must be getting old :-).

phlegmfatale said...

That is a marvelous derriere, but there's no sign it's ever been in the same room with a functioning brain. There's something wrong with modern western culture when a lot of us seem to believe that anyone who has achieved great success in one field is necessarily qualified to talk about what's going on in another field entirely. Remind me again why we don't seek musical reviews from elected officials?

Putz said...

i just was in touch with akelia, who is a liberal who hated the daily mail who was alos a scoyter who just dropped off blogging after a few years....>>did guys like you make it tooo hard for hime to stay in politics, cuse now he is writing children books and hiding from politics, use to be pretty politically conected...what can you tell me about hIM??????????interesting PEOLE want to know.your ryyal putziness here in america

Brian said...

Mmmm... Bury puddings. I used to buy them from a brilliant shop on Wilbraham Road.
Back to American politics, I do find it rather distasteful that "The One" is pursuing a blatantly ant-British agenda with his nasty "Boot on the neck of BP" policy re the gulf oil slick. No doubt because his Mau Mau grandfather was imprisoned in Kenya. But as they weren't anti American terrorist murderers the Mau Mau are lauded by the American left like the IRA.
And relax ....

James Higham said...

Twould be better if she just kept her mouth shut.

Thud said...

Gallimaufry....some of the statements issued by the Obama administration re BP are so hostile as to be downright threatening.

phlegmfatale said...

I noticed in the news today that BP has donated more money to Obama than to any other political figure in the last 20 years. Hypocrisy, much? What a farce!